GMO OMG – London premiere

October 5, 2014 by Staff Reporter

As part of the Great Seed Festival, Beyond GM will be hosting the London premiere of the US film GMO OMG on Friday October 10 at the Garden Museum.

GMO OMG is a provocative film and has been stirring things up across the US.

Anti-GM campaigners love it; the pro-industry media has slammed it; and people who want to know what is happening to their food have been lining up to see it.

One pro-GM reviewer criticised it for not being about science but being about people: Which speaks volumes about how dysfunctional the GMO farming and food sector and their supporters are.

It is also indicative of how they can so carelessly pursue policies and technology which promotes ill health and damage to the environment.

Asking the questions we all want answers to

How do GMOs affect our children, the health of our planet, and our freedom of choice? GMO OMG sets out to find the answers.

How do GMOs affect our children, the health of our planet, and our freedom of choice? GMO OMG sets out to find the answers.

GMO OMG isn’t a scientific treatise – it’s about people.

It follows a father of three as he travels the US with his family to find out whether genetically engineered food is putting at risk their health and wellbeing.

He asks the questions and raises the concerns that millions of fathers and mothers across the world are asking and raising. And he discovers some disturbing answers. Which is why, as the fight for GMO labels on food has intensified, the film has been so popular in the US.

Lots of screenings have been arranged in Colorado and Oregon in the run up to the latest labelling ballots in early November.

London’s first public screening of the film will kick off the London weekend of the Great Seed Festival. It is hosted by Beyond GM, a new initiative, supported by GM Education, to raise awareness of GMO issues.

The screening will be followed by a discussion chaired by author and former editor of the Ecologist, Pat Thomas, which will look at the issues raised in the film and how they relate to the UK.

Tickets can be obtained from here. The price includes a free organic buffet and drinks and a panel discussion after the film.

See the film’s official trailer here.