Waste – Suggested reading

Good Food Makes Everything Better: Waste drew on the following sources:

Emerson Report: Food Waste and Cold Infrastructure in India​, November 2013 http://www.emerson.com/SiteCollectionImages/variations/EN-IN/News/Report_layout_Reduced.pdf

Food Research Collaboration, Square Meal: Food, Farming, Health, Nature, July 2014  http://foodresearch.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/squaremealfinalpdf-1.pdf

Garnett, T Three perspectives on sustainable food security: efficiencym, demand, restraint food system transformation. What role for LCA? Journal of Cleaner Production, July 2013 http://www.fcrn.org.uk/sites/default/files/tg-jcp-2013.pdf

Harvey F, Better use of world’s existing cropland could feed 3 billion more people: study, Guardian, 17 July 2014 http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/jul/17/world-cropland-feed-3-billion-more-people-study

House of Lords, European Union Committee, Counting the cost of food waste: EU food waste prevention, 10th Report of Session 2013–14, April 2014, http://www.parliament.uk/documents/lords-committees/eu-sub-com-d/food-waste-prevention/154.pdf

Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Global food: Waste Not, Want Not, January 2013  http://www.imeche.org/docs/default-source/reports/Global_Food_Report.pdf?sfvrsn=0

UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Feeding the World, Part 3 http://www.fao.org/docrep/015/i2490e/i2490e03a.pdf

University of Birmingham, The Prospects for liquid air cold chains in India, December 2014, http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/Documents/news/The-prospects-for-liquid-air-cold-chains-in-India.pdf

Vanham D et al, Lost water and nitrogen resources due to EU consumer food waste, Environmental Research Letters, 2015; 0:8 http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/10/8/084008;jsessionid=391AD2C02CE108E1D3189F24C73B7364.c1

West PC et al, Leverage points for improving global food security and the environment, Science, 2014; 345(6194): 325-28. http://www.sciencemag.org/content/345/6194/325

Woodward L, World Produces Enough Calories to Feed 14 Billion – Irrelevant?, Citizens Concerned About GM, 24 Januaray 2014  http://www.gmeducation.org/feeding-the-world/p217187-world-produces-enough-calories-to-feed-14-billion-irrelevant.html

World Food Programme, Hunger, http://www.wfp.org/hunger