Donations to Beyond GM

We all need help and support to survive and thrive.

Campaigners do a lot of work, both seen and unseen for society. We take on causes that others are too busy to take on. We translate often difficult technical language and concepts in ways that more people can understand and make use of; and we speak the truth to power on everyone’s behalf.

Beyond GM is responsible for a number of campaigns and activities in the UK. Our work spans upfront campaigns that helped launch us like GM Free Me, The Letter from America and Mums Say no to GMOs as well as more recent initiatives like A Bigger Conversation which provides space for lots of different stakeholder to come together and share views. Most recently we have been at the forefront of challenging the UK government’s plans to deregulate gene edited organisms in food and farming.

Our not-for-profit organisation has been very lucky to attract support – in the form of endorsements – from high profile individuals and natural and organic businesses who recognise the importance of moving the food debate beyond GMOs and who want to help us spread the word.

But what most people don’t realise is that funders rarely provide money for things like websites, offices or staff or for the usual activities of any busy campaign which involve reporting and analysis, engagement with government and policymakers, coordination with other NGOs, conferences and talks and outreach to the media and to our supporters. As a result, our day-to-day operations are in constant need of funding.

At Beyond GM we aim to make efficient use of all our resources. But without your donations we cannot maintain the level of activity we need to to push for real and lasting change.

We don’t simply want money, we want to make it work effectively, in service of our goals and commitments:

To our supporters

  • We want to hear from you and will respond to all queries in a friendly, professional and timely manner.
  • All your donations will be used carefully, in line with our mission to advance the understanding of the GMO debate and agroecological alternatives amongst the general public, and to represent that view to those in authority.
  • Be assured we will never to give out, sell, swap or otherwise pass on your details to other organisations for their use.
  • If you tell us that you do not want to be contacted in a certain way, this will be recorded and your wishes will be honoured in future communications.

To sustainable food and farming

  • Our vision is for world where food is produced in a way that enriches the land, promotes biodiversity and nourishes all human beings and where people feel empowered to engaged in and care about where their food comes from and how it is produced. Everything we do is focussed on that aim.
  • We will continue to champion and raise awareness of the problems caused to plants, animals and humans by industrial, chemically-intensive, farming and to question unnecessary, even risky, technologies that threaten a sustainable food system.

To our cause

  • We work on our own as well as in collaboration with other groups for the greatest good of our cause.
  • We believe in honesty and integrity and strive make our communications clear and accurate and to not exaggerate any of our claims.

We believe there is a better way to feed the world, and feed it well – and if enough of us demand it, this will become a reality.

If you agree, please support our work today.