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Could climate breakdown increase the environmental risks of GMOs?

From Articles

Could more volatile climate cycles increase the environmental risks of GMO crops? Without foresight, adequate regulation and sufficient research we risk deepening, rather than solving, agriculture’s vulnerabilities in the face of climate breakdown.

The UK’s GMO ‘Free-for-all’ Begins

From News

New secondary legislation that expands the sweeping deregulatory powers of the Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Act, has been laid. Developed by Defra and the Food Standards Agency, it raises serious concerns about consumer choice, food safety and agricultural independence – and is a dramatic shift from Labour’s previous position.

Divided Kingdom: Devolved Nations and the Genetic Technology Act

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While Westminster has framed the ongoing discussion about precision bred food around what devolved nations cannot do in opposition to the Genetic Technology Act, these nations have the opportunity to forge a more cautious and thorough regulatory path. Will they grasp the opportunity?

UK Government Raises the GMO Stakes: Open Trials of Gene-Edited Crops

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Plans for seed multiplication trials of gene edited crops in England mark a serious escalation of the government’s plans to push genetically modified gene-edited (so called “precision-bred”) crops onto the marketplace.

The Genetic Technology Act – Does Change Begin Right Now?

From Articles

When Labour was in opposition it argued strenuously that the Genetic Technology Act, which hides the presence of precision bred GMOs in the food system, was not fit for purpose. Now that Labour is in power, will it follow through, scrap the inadequate legislation and start again?

Voters: Tell Would-be MPs to Take PBO Regulation Seriously

From News

UK GMO campaigns have joined together to urge citizens to write to candidates in their area and demand action on more robust and transparent regulation of genetically engineered, so-called “precision-bred”, organisms (PBOs).

TAKE ACTION: Tell Your MP ‘Precision Bred’ GMOs Must Be Labelled

From News

The majority of UK citizens want to see genetically engineered – so called ‘precision bred’ (PBO) – foods labelled. Let those in power know that upcoming changes to the Genetic Technology Act must include provisions for mandatory labelling. Email your MP now using Beyond GM’s e-action page.

Food Standards Agency on PBOs: ‘We’re Not Listening’

From News

The Food Standards Agency has published the report on its public consultation on the marketing of genetically modified precision bred foods (PBOs) in England. It asked for citizen views – and then ignored them.

Detection of new GMOs – Possible and Necessary for Transparency and Public Trust

From News

Detection of gene edited organisms is possible and detection methods must be demanded from the developer as a condition of approval of gene edited food and feed. Read the new joint briefing from Beyond GM and GMWatch.

Guidance on the FSA Consultation on Precision Breeding

From Articles

We have had many requests for help in filling in the Food Standards Agency (FSA) consultation on the deregulation of genetically modified precision-bred organisms (GMO/PBOs) in UK food and feed. Here’s some basic guidance on the consultation to help you choose a way to respond that suits you.

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Gene Editing is Pollution

From A Bigger Conversation

As the UK pushes ahead with plans to deregulate both environmental and commercial releases…

Asilomar Déjà Vu?

From A Bigger Conversation

Will the 50th anniversary 'Spirit of Asilomar' conference on the future of biotechnology r…

AI Designed Food: A Recipe for Distrust?

From A Bigger Conversation

Artificial intelligence (AI) has permeated nearly every sector of modern life, and the foo…

Frankenfoods – Chewing Over a Polarised Debate

From A Bigger Conversation

In 2024 we briefly considered – but rejected – a cheeky suggestion to bring back the p…