
Could climate breakdown increase the environmental risks of GMOs?

12th March 2025

Could more volatile climate cycles increase the environmental risks of GMO crops? Without foresight, adequate regulation and sufficient research we risk deepening, rather than solving, agriculture’s vulnerabilities in the face of climate breakdown.

Divided Kingdom: Devolved Nations and the Genetic Technology Act

6th February 2025

While Westminster has framed the ongoing discussion about precision bred food around what devolved nations cannot do in opposition to the Genetic Technology Act, these nations have the opportunity to forge a more cautious and thorough regulatory path. Will they grasp the opportunity?

The Genetic Technology Act – Does Change Begin Right Now?

15th July 2024

When Labour was in opposition it argued strenuously that the Genetic Technology Act, which hides the presence of precision bred GMOs in the food system, was not fit for purpose. Now that Labour is in power, will it follow through, scrap the inadequate legislation and start again?

Guidance on the FSA Consultation on Precision Breeding

27th November 2023

We have had many requests for help in filling in the Food Standards Agency (FSA) consultation on the deregulation of genetically modified precision-bred organisms (GMO/PBOs) in UK food and feed. Here’s some basic guidance on the consultation to help you choose a way to respond that suits you.

UK’s Agroecological Farmers Wary of Genetic Technologies

2nd August 2023

Preliminary findings from the Agroecological Intelligence project by A Bigger Conversation have found that UK agroecological farmers are wary of genetic technologies in agriculture. Here’s what the farmers have to say.

Gene edited foods in our shops soon? Reality vs hype

7th March 2023

The UK government says gene editing will fill our shops with better food. The reality is more empty promises and more empty shelves. Although several gene-edited crops and a few animals have been approved for commercialisation over the last decade, particularly in the US and Japan, few have made it to market and most have been abandoned.

Hijacking GMO Legislation – An Open Response to Lord Benyon

20th January 2023

This week we have had an opportunity to review a leaked letter from Lord Benyon, the Defra Minister leading the Genetic Technology Bill through the Lords. Its aim was to convince those peers who have been working hard to amend the bill that they should have faith in the government’s good intentions. Here’s our response.

Gene Editing – Just Label It!

2nd September 2022

The Genetic Technology Bill relies on false narratives and regulatory sleight of hand to remove labelling from new gene edited (so called “precision bred”) food products and older style GMOs as well. It’s not what the public wants, it’s not good enough, it’s time to speak out.

The National Food Strategy – Skating Over the Conflicts

22nd July 2021

The UK’s National Food Strategy has been widely welcomed but whilst it makes some good points it is, in the end a fundamentally flawed document that avoids the conflicts of values and world views that maintain business as usual in food and farming.

How to ‘public consultation’ – what Defra should have done

10th February 2021

The current public consultation on deregulating gene editing is prejudicial, inaccessible, scientifically questionable and shows disdain for average citizens. We have submitted a complaint to Defra and while we await a response, here’s what we think should have been done differently.