BT Brinjal on “life support” in Bangladesh (& a BBC lie exposed)

20th November 2015

A new report shows that Bt brinjal has been a ‘miserable failure’ in Bangladesh. Bad for the farmers certainly, but also a damning indictment of the pro-GMO bias of the BBC, which favours the industrial farming fantasy over facts.

When it comes to GMOs we don’t trust BBC ‘experts’, public survey reveals

8th July 2015

In the wake of an astonishingly one-sided BBC Panorama programme, 1000 people took part in our survey on pro-GMO bias in the media; this comprehensive report details the results.

Cultivating Myths – The Pro-GMO Bias of the BBC

9th June 2015

Is the BBC balanced – or biased? This week’s Panorama programme entitled GM Food: Cultivating Fear has answered that question for most of us.