FOI documents show Defra wilfully ignores public views on gene editing

25th May 2022

Freedom of information documents obtained by Beyond GM show the breathtaking lengths the UK government has gone to in order to ignore public views on the regulation of gene editing.

New legislative changes for GMO field trials – Beyond GM responds

20th January 2022

The UK government has announced that is changing the law on field trials for gene edited crops – today. Here is our response.

Deregulating GMOs in the UK – New analysis shows government follows ideology not evidence

19th January 2022

A new analysis by A Bigger Conversation suggests that, in its haste to deregulate agricultural gene technologies, the UK government is “choosing to get it wrong” by ignoring expertise from all sides.

Defra takes first steps toward deregulating gene editing in the UK – Beyond GM responds

29th September 2021

The UK government says it will “unlock the power of gene editing” through a series of measures designed to make research, development and routes to market faster and more streamlined. But behind the hype many questions remain.

How to ‘public consultation’ – what Defra should have done

10th February 2021

The current public consultation on deregulating gene editing is prejudicial, inaccessible, scientifically questionable and shows disdain for average citizens. We have submitted a complaint to Defra and while we await a response, here’s what we think should have been done differently.