Food and Farming Business Experts: Food Standards Agency Consultation on Precision-Bred Organisms is “Misleading” and “Flawed”

21st November 2023

A group of experts representing business, farming, certification, academia, science and civil society have lodged a formal complaint against the UK’s Food Standards Agency (FSA), raising serious concerns about its public consultation process on genetically modified precision bred organisms (PBOs) and calling for the consultation to be withdrawn.

Scientists and policy experts: The term “precision breeding” misleads and has no place in serious legislation

8th September 2022

A joint statement signed by international scientists and policy experts criticises the British government for the use of the term “precision breeding” in its draft legislation to deregulate GMOs. We wholly support their aims.

TAKE ACTION – Make sure your MP understands the evidence on gene editing

1st November 2021

It’s Evidence Week in Westminster. We don’t trust the organisers to ensure the evidence around gene editing is represented fairly. Use our alternative online platform to send key questions that your MP should be able to answer.

Are GM food opponents stupid?

25th January 2019

A new survey claims to show that GM food opponents are ignorant extremists. That’s how it’s being spun – but does the evidence really stand up?

EU Scientific Advice Mechanism in lockstep with US government, GMO lobby

26th November 2018

The European Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM) – a group with well known ties to industry – has issued a statement saying that the EU’s laws on GMOs should be revised to clear the path for “new GM” techniques.

New push for UK/EU GMOs begins

5th November 2016

New UK field trials, pro-GM Member States pushing to plant GMO maize and a new GM potato in the US show we are still far from the GM-free ideal.

Growing doubt: a scientist’s experience of GMOs

10th September 2015

A scientist speaks out about the flawed ways in which we assess the risks of GMOs and how this impacts not just human health but the very integrity of science

Altered Genes, Twisted Truth – the systematic government and scientific fraud over GM food

5th March 2015

In a new book US attorney Steven Druker, supported by Jane Goodall, reveals how the US government and leading scientific institutions have systematically misrepresented the facts about GMOs safety.

GMOs – a game of risk

29th January 2015

An important joint statement by hundreds of independent scientists deconstructs the notion that there is ‘scientific consensus’ on the safety of GMOs

Synbio – the scariest GMOs you’ve never heard of

9th October 2014

This extreme form of genetic engineering seeks to “design and construct new biological parts, devices and systems that do not currently exist in the natural world.” Yikes!