Genetic Technologies in Food and Farming – A Manifesto for the Next Government

25th October 2023

Genetically engineered organisms in agriculture are, first and foremost, a food system and environmental issue. In recent years the UK government has sought to recontextualise them as a science and innovation issue divorced from their real world uses and consequences. Our 2024 manifesto calls for GMOs to be put back in their rightful context and for this to be the basis for rational policy and regulation of agricultural genetic technologies.

Scientists and policy experts: The term “precision breeding” misleads and has no place in serious legislation

8th September 2022

A joint statement signed by international scientists and policy experts criticises the British government for the use of the term “precision breeding” in its draft legislation to deregulate GMOs. We wholly support their aims.

Regulatory Policy Committee: Government’s case for deregulation “not fit for purpose”

24th June 2022

A damning report by the government’s Regulatory Policy Committee (RPC) concludes that the government has failed to make a convincing business case for the deregulation of genetically engineered (so called “precision bred”) organisms in the farming and food system.

FOI documents show Defra wilfully ignores public views on gene editing

25th May 2022

Freedom of information documents obtained by Beyond GM show the breathtaking lengths the UK government has gone to in order to ignore public views on the regulation of gene editing.

New legislative changes for GMO field trials – Beyond GM responds

20th January 2022

The UK government has announced that is changing the law on field trials for gene edited crops – today. Here is our response.

Deregulating GMOs in the UK – New analysis shows government follows ideology not evidence

19th January 2022

A new analysis by A Bigger Conversation suggests that, in its haste to deregulate agricultural gene technologies, the UK government is “choosing to get it wrong” by ignoring expertise from all sides.

Regulation is not a ‘burden’ – Beyond GM responds UK government plans for a deregulatory bonfire

3rd October 2021

Our response to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) consultation on widespread regulatory reform in the UK, emphasises the importance of regulation and precaution, the complex regulatory requirements of so-called ‘disruptive’ technologies like gene editing and the urgent need for more citizen input.

House of Lords debate on genome editing…what was the point?

6th March 2020

This week the House of Lords ‘debated’ how the UK might regulate genome edited foods post-Brexit. While governments elsewhere are struggling to understand some of the nuances of this issue, here in the UK we are treating it like an afterthought – and that is unacceptable.

Joint petition demands the UK protect GM food labels

10th October 2018

Will the UK maintain strict GMO labelling laws post-Brexit? We’ve teamed up with GM Freeze to petition the UK government to ensure we all know what we are eating in future.