
FDA: Fake meat GMO burger may not be safe to eat

16th August 2017

The US Food and Drug Administration has safety concerns about the fake meat Impossible Burger’s ‘plant blood’ – made via genetic engineering. Here’s what you need to know about the tech takeover of food.

GMOs on the menu – UK customers speak out

22nd May 2017

Our latest survey shows that the vast majority of customers in the UK see GMOs as a crucial issue in sustainability, traceability and authenticity – and they want our chefs to keep genetically modified food off the menu.

Gene drives: to a land of milk and honey or the apocalypse?

19th February 2017

Gene drives have the potential to spread genetically engineered genes through wild species, causing massive ecological disruption and even “re-engineering” entire populations.

The Bayer-Monsanto merger – corporate madness or a moment of possibility?

15th September 2016

For anyone interested in the future of food – and civilisation – the proposed mega-mergers of several Big Ag companies are pointing us in a new and better direction – if only we’d take the first steps.

Flawed US GMO labelling will damage the anti-GM movement on both sides of the Atlantic

19th April 2016

What does victory look like in the GMO labelling battle? We review the good, the bad and the potentially ugly, as well as the repercussions of US action – and inaction – for the EU.

20 years ago today… What have we learned since the GMO Flavr Savr tomato?

5th February 2016

20 years ago the UK began selling its first GMO food – a puree made from the Flavr Savr tomato. So what have we learned since then?

GMO or GM-NO – How will the EU regulate new plant breeding technologies?

17th January 2016

The European Commission is currently deliberating on whether a handful of new plant breeding techniques are GMO. It’s not an easy question, but the outcome impacts consumer choice and food safety for all of us.

GMO labelling – the battle to keep corporations honest

19th December 2015

GMO labelling is important, but it is a means to an end – not the end itself. As the year comes to a close, we review the state of GMO labelling in the US and EU.

‘Climate-Smart Agriculture’ – the greenwash threat to the ecological farmers who feed the world

9th November 2015

Agroecology, practised by grassroots small scale food producers and small farmers, is in danger of being pushed off the climate change agenda by corporate interests.

Opting out of GMOs in the EU – what does it take?

3rd September 2015

Which EU countries have ‘banned’ GMOs – and what is it going to take to keep Europe GM free? Here are some basics on the bans.