An uncontrolled experiment in out of home eating

26th July 2019

Novelty, the ability to stay ahead of trends and to offer the unusual is one of the things that drives the restaurant business. There is very little regulation around the kind of food that can be served. There’s no real prohibition, for instance, against serving endangered species – though this is a questionable practice, especially  … Read more

Sustainability: Are you a leader or a follower?

22nd June 2018

When it comes to sustainability in food and farming we need leaders and we need followers; what we can’t afford is freeloaders and easy riders who peddle nothing but buzzwords.

What’s in a name? The battle for food authenticity, integrity and sustainability

2nd June 2018

How bogus branding and marketing claims undermine notions of integrity of provenance and its hype and promotion suppresses real questions and more nuanced conversations about authenticity and sustainability.

Dead ends on the road to sustainability

15th May 2018

Sustainability is not just about carbon, energy, resources and pollution. It is also about health, wellbeing, tradition and culture. It also requires boundaries and restraint and therefore, trade-offs within those boundaries.

Something fishy about sustainable fish, chef?

13th April 2018

A universal truth – whether you are buying a used car or sourcing ‘sustainable’ farmed of GMO fish for a restaurant – is that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

FDA: Fake meat GMO burger may not be safe to eat

16th August 2017

The US Food and Drug Administration has safety concerns about the fake meat Impossible Burger’s ‘plant blood’ – made via genetic engineering. Here’s what you need to know about the tech takeover of food.

GMOs on the menu – UK customers speak out

22nd May 2017

Our latest survey shows that the vast majority of customers in the UK see GMOs as a crucial issue in sustainability, traceability and authenticity – and they want our chefs to keep genetically modified food off the menu.

Stir the Pot serves up a first course

27th April 2017

The subject of GMOs in the restaurant food chain was on the menu this week at an influential roundtable discussion on sustainability and provenance in UK restaurants.

Let’s get UK chefs talking about GMOs

6th February 2017

This year our new initiative, Stir the Pot, aims to get chefs in the UK learning more, thinking more and talking more about GMOs. If you eat out – you can be part of the conversation