The National Food Strategy – Skating Over the Conflicts

22nd July 2021

The UK’s National Food Strategy has been widely welcomed but whilst it makes some good points it is, in the end a fundamentally flawed document that avoids the conflicts of values and world views that maintain business as usual in food and farming.

EU supermarkets eclipse UK sector with calls for strong regulation of gene editing

27th May 2021

Europe is currently wrestling with the same issues around the deregulation of gene editing as the UK. But, unlike supermarkets in the UK, European retailers there are taking the lead in demanding robust regulation, protection of organic and non-GMO labels and transparency for their customers.

Co-op says #NotInMySupermarket to gene-editing

18th February 2021

In response to a civil society appeal for UK supermarkets to back strong regulation of new gene-edited crops and animals, the Co-op has made a clear statement of its support.

Civil society calls on supermarkets to show leadership on GMOs

9th February 2021

Fifty groups and individuals from civil society have written to British supermarkets asking them to show public support for continued regulation of genetically engineered crops and animals.

Nutrient collapse – Why biofortified food won’t ‘feed the world’

25th February 2019

‘Bioengineering’ nutrients into our food – a promise which so far has failed to materialise – distracts us from real issues of soil degradation, climate change, poor diet choices and lack of political will to support a right to food.

Are GM food opponents stupid?

25th January 2019

A new survey claims to show that GM food opponents are ignorant extremists. That’s how it’s being spun – but does the evidence really stand up?

Sustainability: Are you a leader or a follower?

22nd June 2018

When it comes to sustainability in food and farming we need leaders and we need followers; what we can’t afford is freeloaders and easy riders who peddle nothing but buzzwords.

Dead ends on the road to sustainability

15th May 2018

Sustainability is not just about carbon, energy, resources and pollution. It is also about health, wellbeing, tradition and culture. It also requires boundaries and restraint and therefore, trade-offs within those boundaries.

Beyond GM launches interactive GMO Wheel of Chance

10th February 2018

Is genetically modified food the sure thing that will feed the world, or is it a risky game of chance? Take a spin on our new interactive game and find out more.

Stir the Pot serves up a first course

27th April 2017

The subject of GMOs in the restaurant food chain was on the menu this week at an influential roundtable discussion on sustainability and provenance in UK restaurants.