Open letter praises Pope Francis’ defence of biodiversity and small farmers

20th February 2016

International groups, including Beyond GM, sign an open letter to Pope Francis, praising the religious leader for his defence of biodiversity and small farmers

‘Climate-Smart Agriculture’ – the greenwash threat to the ecological farmers who feed the world

9th November 2015

Agroecology, practised by grassroots small scale food producers and small farmers, is in danger of being pushed off the climate change agenda by corporate interests.

We Feed the World – An inspiring story of sustainable farming

4th November 2015

Beyond GM launches a new campaign today. We Feed the World aims to tell a vitally important story of food, farming and sustainability.

Is Roundup killing our bees?

5th August 2015

Evidence is growing of a link between the world’s most widely used herbicide – Roundup – and Colony Collapse Disorder in bees. Are humans next?

How the people can outwit the global domination plans of agribusiness

4th February 2015

Scare stories of a global ‘foodpocalypse’ are being used to prop up a destructive food system that produces bland, industrialised, pesticide-laden, GMO food. Don’t believe it!

UK government preparing the ground for GM crops

5th January 2015

UK minsters have admitted they are putting in place “pragmatic” arrangements to facilitate the introduction of GMO crops to UK farms.

Want to feed the world? Switch to organic farming

10th December 2014

We don’t need outdated technologies like GM to feed the world, a new analysis has shown.

A vision of food and farming beyond GM

11th November 2014

A healthy, equitable, sustainable food system from a healthy, equitable, sustainable agriculture is attainable but to get there we have to bring about major changes and move Beyond GM.