Deregulating GMOs via the Agriculture Bill – what happens next?

18th June 2020

The second reading of the Agriculture Bill in the House of Lords was less of a debate and more of an exercise in priming the pump for the proposed amendment to deregulate GMOs. With support from an uncritical media, expect more to follow.

Regulatory chicanery – Biotech lobby quietly hijacks the UK’s Agriculture Bill to change the definition of ‘GMOs’

28th May 2020

MPs, peers and the research establishment, intent on ‘liberating’ the UK’s agri-bioscience sector, are sidestepping democratic processes to try and change the definition of a GMO to exclude organisms engineered with new gene editing technologies.

Exploring the boundaries of plant breeding

6th April 2020

Our new report from our world cafe The Boundaries of Plant breeding follows the conversations between biotech, conventional and organic plant breeders and finds clashes – but also encouraging areas of agreement.

House of Lords debate on genome editing…what was the point?

6th March 2020

This week the House of Lords ‘debated’ how the UK might regulate genome edited foods post-Brexit. While governments elsewhere are struggling to understand some of the nuances of this issue, here in the UK we are treating it like an afterthought – and that is unacceptable.

EU Scientific Advice Mechanism in lockstep with US government, GMO lobby

26th November 2018

The European Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM) – a group with well known ties to industry – has issued a statement saying that the EU’s laws on GMOs should be revised to clear the path for “new GM” techniques.

Organic GMOs – ask yourself, can this ever be a ‘thing’?

10th November 2018

The idea that new ‘genome editing’ techniques like CRISPR and gene drives could have a role in organic agriculture has prompted some difficult discussions around values and worldviews.

Victory! European court says new GMO tech must be fully regulated

25th July 2018

Crops obtained by new ‘induced’ or ‘targeted’ mutagenesis should fall under existing laws restricting the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), says top European court.

High stakes for CRISPR and GMO regulation in Europe

23rd January 2018

The European Court of Justice has been considering whether organisms obtained by mutagenesis are exempt from the EU’s Genetically Modified Organisms Directive. Will its final verdict create clarity or further confusion?