US Jury orders Monsanto to pay $289 million in Roundup cancer trial

12th August 2018

In the first of many pending trials in the US, a California jury has ruled that the herbicide glyphosate (Roundup) can cause cancer, that Monsanto knew this and failed to provide adequate warnings.

The Bayer-Monsanto merger – corporate madness or a moment of possibility?

15th September 2016

For anyone interested in the future of food – and civilisation – the proposed mega-mergers of several Big Ag companies are pointing us in a new and better direction – if only we’d take the first steps.

European officials delay decision on glyphosate – again

25th June 2016

Time is running out on the decision to relicense the toxic herbicide glyphosate in Europe. Will EU authorities follow the science – or follow the money?

Beyond GM joins Neil Young’s Global Village in the UK/EU

14th May 2016

We’re privileged to be organising the GMO and Future of Farming tents in Neil Young’s Global Villages throughout the UK and the rest of the EU. Here’s the story…

How “extreme levels” of Roundup in food became the industry norm

11th March 2016

As European regulators and Member States face off over the re-licencing of glyphosate, we explore how we’ve come to a place where there is more of Monsanto’s Roundup in much of our food than many essential nutrients.

Beyond GM hits the road with Neil Young

29th June 2015

Beyond GM will be joining our colleagues at GMO Free USA on tour with Neil Young + Promise of the Real as they debut their new album The Monsanto Years.

How the people can outwit the global domination plans of agribusiness

4th February 2015

Scare stories of a global ‘foodpocalypse’ are being used to prop up a destructive food system that produces bland, industrialised, pesticide-laden, GMO food. Don’t believe it!