Flawed US GMO labelling will damage the anti-GM movement on both sides of the Atlantic

19th April 2016

What does victory look like in the GMO labelling battle? We review the good, the bad and the potentially ugly, as well as the repercussions of US action – and inaction – for the EU.

America’s GMO right-to-know labelling fight heats up

6th March 2016

DARK days indeed, as the US Senate committee approves bill that would overrule mandatory label laws passed on the state level. Can consumers in America overcome corporate power. And if they can’t, can we?

GMO labelling – the battle to keep corporations honest

19th December 2015

GMO labelling is important, but it is a means to an end – not the end itself. As the year comes to a close, we review the state of GMO labelling in the US and EU.