
GMO Golden Rice offers no nutritional benefits says FDA

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After a lengthy assessment the US FDA has concluded that that Golden Rice – genetically engineered to improve child health – does not meet the nutritional requirements to make a health claim.

What’s in a name? The battle for food authenticity, integrity and sustainability

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How bogus branding and marketing claims undermine notions of integrity of provenance and its hype and promotion suppresses real questions and more nuanced conversations about authenticity and sustainability.

Kids in the UK: A picture of health?

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Beyond GM hosts Dr Michelle Perro and Dr Vincanne Adams for the UK launch of their book What’s Making Our Children Sick? How Industrial Food Is Causing an Epidemic of Chronic Illness, and What Parents (and their Doctors) Can Do About It.

Dead ends on the road to sustainability

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Sustainability is not just about carbon, energy, resources and pollution. It is also about health, wellbeing, tradition and culture. It also requires boundaries and restraint and therefore, trade-offs within those boundaries.

Have your say on how to reform food and farming after Brexit

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We’ll be responding and you also have the chance to have your say in the government’s consultation on the future of food, farming and the environment – but you only have until Tuesday 8th May to do it.

Industrial food and the epidemic of childhood illness

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In a new book Drs Michelle Perro and Vincanne Adams provide a convincing argument for how industrial food production – including pesticides and GMOs – is combining with other environmental factors to create a ‘perfect storm’ of health problems in kids.

Something fishy about sustainable fish, chef?

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A universal truth – whether you are buying a used car or sourcing ‘sustainable’ farmed of GMO fish for a restaurant – is that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

UK groups unite against open-air GMO field trial

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Twenty-six organisations including farmers, scientists, retailers and environmentalists today lodged a formal objection to the latest proposed open-air GM field trial by Rothamsted Research.

Beyond GM launches interactive GMO Wheel of Chance

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Is genetically modified food the sure thing that will feed the world, or is it a risky game of chance? Take a spin on our new interactive game and find out more.

High stakes for CRISPR and GMO regulation in Europe

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The European Court of Justice has been considering whether organisms obtained by mutagenesis are exempt from the EU’s Genetically Modified Organisms Directive. Will its final verdict create clarity or further confusion?