EU Scientific Advice Mechanism in lockstep with US government, GMO lobby

26th November 2018

The European Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM) – a group with well known ties to industry – has issued a statement saying that the EU’s laws on GMOs should be revised to clear the path for “new GM” techniques.

Organic GMOs – ask yourself, can this ever be a ‘thing’?

10th November 2018

The idea that new ‘genome editing’ techniques like CRISPR and gene drives could have a role in organic agriculture has prompted some difficult discussions around values and worldviews.

Tell your MEP to vote for a moratorium on gene drives

20th October 2018

Please write to your MEP before October 25 and ask him or her to support a proposed international moratorium on risky gene drives.

Citizen science reveals glyphosate in UK breakfast cereals

15th October 2018

A UK doctor took matters into her own hands and had four popular UK cereal brands tested for glyphosate. So just what are we – and our children – eating?

Joint petition demands the UK protect GM food labels

10th October 2018

Will the UK maintain strict GMO labelling laws post-Brexit? We’ve teamed up with GM Freeze to petition the UK government to ensure we all know what we are eating in future.

US Jury orders Monsanto to pay $289 million in Roundup cancer trial

12th August 2018

In the first of many pending trials in the US, a California jury has ruled that the herbicide glyphosate (Roundup) can cause cancer, that Monsanto knew this and failed to provide adequate warnings.

GM-fed salmon are being trialled in GM-free Scotland

2nd August 2018

An experiment in feeding farmed salmon GM feed is underway in the highlands of Scotland – and you should be worried about where it is taking us.

Victory! European court says new GMO tech must be fully regulated

25th July 2018

Crops obtained by new ‘induced’ or ‘targeted’ mutagenesis should fall under existing laws restricting the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), says top European court.

Decision time for the European Court of Justice

23rd July 2018

This week, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) rules on whether induced mutagenesis, used in the genetic engineering of plants, should be regulated – and labelled – as a GMO in Europe. Here’s the background.

Sustainability: Are you a leader or a follower?

22nd June 2018

When it comes to sustainability in food and farming we need leaders and we need followers; what we can’t afford is freeloaders and easy riders who peddle nothing but buzzwords.