UK and EU supermarkets must support GMO regulation

11th October 2022

A coalition of 64 leaders from food, farming, religion, business, philanthropy and academia in the UK and in Europe have written to supermarkets with businesses in both the UK and EU, calling on them to support strong regulation of gene edited products and to protect consumer choice.

NGOs slam EU Commission plans to deregulate new GMOs

7th September 2021

More than 50 groups have sent a response to the Commission, strongly opposing its plans on the grounds that “deregulation of new GM techniques would pose unacceptable risks to human and animal health and the environment. Deregulation would also prohibit citizens from knowing what they are eating and farmers from knowing what they are sowing.”

GMO bacteria in Europe’s animal feed spreading antibiotic resistance

4th December 2018

European officials admit genetically engineered additives in the EU’s farm animal food chain pose a serious risk to human health and the environment by spreading antibiotic resistance.

Victory! European court says new GMO tech must be fully regulated

25th July 2018

Crops obtained by new ‘induced’ or ‘targeted’ mutagenesis should fall under existing laws restricting the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), says top European court.

High stakes for CRISPR and GMO regulation in Europe

23rd January 2018

The European Court of Justice has been considering whether organisms obtained by mutagenesis are exempt from the EU’s Genetically Modified Organisms Directive. Will its final verdict create clarity or further confusion?

Opting out of GMOs in the EU – what does it take?

3rd September 2015

Which EU countries have ‘banned’ GMOs – and what is it going to take to keep Europe GM free? Here are some basics on the bans.

Public opposition heats up as EU vote clears the way for GMOs in UK

13th January 2015

New legislation may well change the game, but the end result it still up for grabs, vow campaigners