Dead ends on the road to sustainability

15th May 2018

Sustainability is not just about carbon, energy, resources and pollution. It is also about health, wellbeing, tradition and culture. It also requires boundaries and restraint and therefore, trade-offs within those boundaries.

Industrial food and the epidemic of childhood illness

2nd May 2018

In a new book Drs Michelle Perro and Vincanne Adams provide a convincing argument for how industrial food production – including pesticides and GMOs – is combining with other environmental factors to create a ‘perfect storm’ of health problems in kids.

Something fishy about sustainable fish, chef?

13th April 2018

A universal truth – whether you are buying a used car or sourcing ‘sustainable’ farmed of GMO fish for a restaurant – is that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Beyond GM launches interactive GMO Wheel of Chance

10th February 2018

Is genetically modified food the sure thing that will feed the world, or is it a risky game of chance? Take a spin on our new interactive game and find out more.

Stir the Pot serves up a first course

27th April 2017

The subject of GMOs in the restaurant food chain was on the menu this week at an influential roundtable discussion on sustainability and provenance in UK restaurants.

We Feed the World – An inspiring story of sustainable farming

4th November 2015

Beyond GM launches a new campaign today. We Feed the World aims to tell a vitally important story of food, farming and sustainability.

A busy day at London’s March Against Monsanto

25th May 2015

It was a wet, chilly and windblown – but also productive and passionate – day at London’s March Against Monsanto, and Beyond GM and Mums Say No to GMOs were a force to be reckoned with.

What kind of world would l vote for?

1st May 2015

What kind of world are we leaving our children – and what kind of world do they want? Beyond-GM’s youngest supporter Mya-Rose Craig writes here about the world she wants and why GMOs have no place in it.

How the people can outwit the global domination plans of agribusiness

4th February 2015

Scare stories of a global ‘foodpocalypse’ are being used to prop up a destructive food system that produces bland, industrialised, pesticide-laden, GMO food. Don’t believe it!

A vision of food and farming beyond GM

11th November 2014

A healthy, equitable, sustainable food system from a healthy, equitable, sustainable agriculture is attainable but to get there we have to bring about major changes and move Beyond GM.