A new kids revolution

11th April 2016

It’s easy to think that kids don’t have any power; but that’s simply not true, says teen activist Rachel Parent, founder of Kids Right to Know and supporter of Beyond GM’s Our Food Our Future project.

New video project gives kids a voice in the GMO debate

4th April 2016

Beyond GM’s new video project aims to give children across the Americas a chance to speak up about GMOs and educate other kids in the world about their experiences.

Listening to the voices of the future

4th April 2016

Beyond GM co-founder/director Pat Thomas reflects on our new campaign, Our Food Our Future, which gives kids in the Americas a chance to talk to kids in the EU about GMOs – and on the ups and downs of her own childhood activism.

NGOs file objections to UK field trials of GM crops

21st March 2016

A coalition of UK NGOs, including Beyond GM, has filed comprehensive objections to proposed field trials on GM potatoes and GM camelina.

Gene-editing – a GMO by any other name…

26th February 2016

There is a considerable amount of hype regarding the ability of ‘gene-edited’ crops and animals to transform agriculture. But what, exactly, is gene-editing – and can it live up to the hype?

20 years ago today… What have we learned since the GMO Flavr Savr tomato?

5th February 2016

20 years ago the UK began selling its first GMO food – a puree made from the Flavr Savr tomato. So what have we learned since then?

GMO or GM-NO – How will the EU regulate new plant breeding technologies?

17th January 2016

The European Commission is currently deliberating on whether a handful of new plant breeding techniques are GMO. It’s not an easy question, but the outcome impacts consumer choice and food safety for all of us.

EU one step closer to relicensing glyphosate

13th November 2015

For those hoping for a cleaner EU food system, the new EFSA review, which effectively removes any barriers to the relicensing of glyphosate, makes grim, if somewhat predictable reading.

‘Climate-Smart Agriculture’ – the greenwash threat to the ecological farmers who feed the world

9th November 2015

Agroecology, practised by grassroots small scale food producers and small farmers, is in danger of being pushed off the climate change agenda by corporate interests.

We Feed the World – An inspiring story of sustainable farming

4th November 2015

Beyond GM launches a new campaign today. We Feed the World aims to tell a vitally important story of food, farming and sustainability.