
Glyphosate’s link to liver damage exposed

10th January 2017

Newly published evidence shows that, at levels many thousands of times below what regulators around the world consider ‘safe’, long-term dietary exposure to glyphosate can trigger liver disease.

GMOs not ‘substantially equivalent’ to natural foods

20th December 2016

A new study examining a widely-consumed strain of GMO maize has found that the process of genetic modification substantially raised levels of toxins in the plant.

New push for UK/EU GMOs begins

5th November 2016

New UK field trials, pro-GM Member States pushing to plant GMO maize and a new GM potato in the US show we are still far from the GM-free ideal.

Waitrose switch to non-GM soya is good news, but…

2nd November 2016

A UK supermarket switching to non-GM feed is a small victory for campaigners, but before you get your flags out, consider the all important context.

European Commission approves 11 more GMOs for food/feed

16th September 2016

Coming to a supermarket near you? The EU has today made several new approvals for GMO maize that can be used in human food and animal feed.

Post Brexit government must make sustainable food policy a priority

14th July 2016

Over 80 organisations, including Beyond GM, have signed a letter to David Davies and Theresa May outlining the implications of Brexit on food and farming.

European officials delay decision on glyphosate – again

25th June 2016

Time is running out on the decision to relicense the toxic herbicide glyphosate in Europe. Will EU authorities follow the science – or follow the money?

Beyond GM joins Neil Young’s Global Village in the UK/EU

14th May 2016

We’re privileged to be organising the GMO and Future of Farming tents in Neil Young’s Global Villages throughout the UK and the rest of the EU. Here’s the story…

New video project gives kids a voice in the GMO debate

4th April 2016

Beyond GM’s new video project aims to give children across the Americas a chance to speak up about GMOs and educate other kids in the world about their experiences.

NGOs file objections to UK field trials of GM crops

21st March 2016

A coalition of UK NGOs, including Beyond GM, has filed comprehensive objections to proposed field trials on GM potatoes and GM camelina.