Voters: Tell Would-be MPs to Take PBO Regulation Seriously

14th June 2024

UK GMO campaigns have joined together to urge citizens to write to candidates in their area and demand action on more robust and transparent regulation of genetically engineered, so-called “precision-bred”, organisms (PBOs).

Food Standards Agency on PBOs: ‘We’re Not Listening’

8th March 2024

The Food Standards Agency has published the report on its public consultation on the marketing of genetically modified precision bred foods (PBOs) in England. It asked for citizen views – and then ignored them.

Food and Farming Business Experts: Food Standards Agency Consultation on Precision-Bred Organisms is “Misleading” and “Flawed”

21st November 2023

A group of experts representing business, farming, certification, academia, science and civil society have lodged a formal complaint against the UK’s Food Standards Agency (FSA), raising serious concerns about its public consultation process on genetically modified precision bred organisms (PBOs) and calling for the consultation to be withdrawn.

Gene edited foods in our shops soon? Reality vs hype

7th March 2023

The UK government says gene editing will fill our shops with better food. The reality is more empty promises and more empty shelves. Although several gene-edited crops and a few animals have been approved for commercialisation over the last decade, particularly in the US and Japan, few have made it to market and most have been abandoned.

Defra Secretary of State Warned: Take Wild Animals and Pets Out of the Gene Editing Bill

25th January 2023

Beyond GM, has written to Thérèse Coffey, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, to urge crucial amendments that will protect non-agricultural and wild plants and animals.

Hijacking GMO Legislation – An Open Response to Lord Benyon

20th January 2023

This week we have had an opportunity to review a leaked letter from Lord Benyon, the Defra Minister leading the Genetic Technology Bill through the Lords. Its aim was to convince those peers who have been working hard to amend the bill that they should have faith in the government’s good intentions. Here’s our response.

Scientists and policy experts: The term “precision breeding” misleads and has no place in serious legislation

8th September 2022

A joint statement signed by international scientists and policy experts criticises the British government for the use of the term “precision breeding” in its draft legislation to deregulate GMOs. We wholly support their aims.

Help us raise awareness of the UK’s GMO deregulation agenda

2nd June 2022

The government promised a “step-by-step” approach to deregulating gene editing. What it has delivered is a broad remit for deregulating most kinds of GMOs used in agriculture. See here for how you can help us push back.

UK removes ‘barriers’ from GMO field trials

15th March 2022

The UK government has voted through a new law that will remove restrictions from GMO field trials in England. Far from being a limited change, it opens up the possibility of a rapid expansion of open air trials of GMO plants of all kinds.

New legislative changes for GMO field trials – Beyond GM responds

20th January 2022

The UK government has announced that is changing the law on field trials for gene edited crops – today. Here is our response.