20 years ago today… What have we learned since the GMO Flavr Savr tomato?

5th February 2016

20 years ago the UK began selling its first GMO food – a puree made from the Flavr Savr tomato. So what have we learned since then?

GMO or GM-NO – How will the EU regulate new plant breeding technologies?

17th January 2016

The European Commission is currently deliberating on whether a handful of new plant breeding techniques are GMO. It’s not an easy question, but the outcome impacts consumer choice and food safety for all of us.

GMO labelling – the battle to keep corporations honest

19th December 2015

GMO labelling is important, but it is a means to an end – not the end itself. As the year comes to a close, we review the state of GMO labelling in the US and EU.

Synthetic biology – don’t believe the ‘climate friendly’ hype

29th November 2015

Far from helping us into a sustainable future, this extreme form of genetic modification aims to keep us tied to the oil, coal and gas that is actively driving climate change.

BT Brinjal on “life support” in Bangladesh (& a BBC lie exposed)

20th November 2015

A new report shows that Bt brinjal has been a ‘miserable failure’ in Bangladesh. Bad for the farmers certainly, but also a damning indictment of the pro-GMO bias of the BBC, which favours the industrial farming fantasy over facts.

Supermarkets: it’s time to label all GM-fed animal products

20th November 2015

Campaigning group Mums Say No to GMOs, has launched a UK-wide petition to demand supermarkets label GM-fed animal products. Support it today!

Beyond GM joins call for a sustainable food policy in the EU

22nd September 2015

Beyond GM, the Humane Society International, Compassion in World Farming, Food for Life Global and the European Parliament’s Sustainable Food Systems Group have come together for a special event highlighting waste – and sustainability – in the food system

The puppetmasters of academia – what the New York Times left out

13th September 2015

When you read in the press that a scientist supports GMOs – can you trust that point of view? Recently revealed emails between biotech companies and senior academics suggests the answer is no.

Growing doubt: a scientist’s experience of GMOs

10th September 2015

A scientist speaks out about the flawed ways in which we assess the risks of GMOs and how this impacts not just human health but the very integrity of science

Opting out of GMOs in the EU – what does it take?

3rd September 2015

Which EU countries have ‘banned’ GMOs – and what is it going to take to keep Europe GM free? Here are some basics on the bans.