Gene edited foods in our shops soon? Reality vs hype

7th March 2023

The UK government says gene editing will fill our shops with better food. The reality is more empty promises and more empty shelves. Although several gene-edited crops and a few animals have been approved for commercialisation over the last decade, particularly in the US and Japan, few have made it to market and most have been abandoned.

UK and EU supermarkets must support GMO regulation

11th October 2022

A coalition of 64 leaders from food, farming, religion, business, philanthropy and academia in the UK and in Europe have written to supermarkets with businesses in both the UK and EU, calling on them to support strong regulation of gene edited products and to protect consumer choice.

EU supermarkets eclipse UK sector with calls for strong regulation of gene editing

27th May 2021

Europe is currently wrestling with the same issues around the deregulation of gene editing as the UK. But, unlike supermarkets in the UK, European retailers there are taking the lead in demanding robust regulation, protection of organic and non-GMO labels and transparency for their customers.

Co-op says #NotInMySupermarket to gene-editing

18th February 2021

In response to a civil society appeal for UK supermarkets to back strong regulation of new gene-edited crops and animals, the Co-op has made a clear statement of its support.

Civil society calls on supermarkets to show leadership on GMOs

9th February 2021

Fifty groups and individuals from civil society have written to British supermarkets asking them to show public support for continued regulation of genetically engineered crops and animals.

Waitrose switch to non-GM soya is good news, but…

2nd November 2016

A UK supermarket switching to non-GM feed is a small victory for campaigners, but before you get your flags out, consider the all important context.

Flawed US GMO labelling will damage the anti-GM movement on both sides of the Atlantic

19th April 2016

What does victory look like in the GMO labelling battle? We review the good, the bad and the potentially ugly, as well as the repercussions of US action – and inaction – for the EU.

America’s GMO right-to-know labelling fight heats up

6th March 2016

DARK days indeed, as the US Senate committee approves bill that would overrule mandatory label laws passed on the state level. Can consumers in America overcome corporate power. And if they can’t, can we?

GMO labelling – the battle to keep corporations honest

19th December 2015

GMO labelling is important, but it is a means to an end – not the end itself. As the year comes to a close, we review the state of GMO labelling in the US and EU.

Supermarkets: it’s time to label all GM-fed animal products

20th November 2015

Campaigning group Mums Say No to GMOs, has launched a UK-wide petition to demand supermarkets label GM-fed animal products. Support it today!