EU one step closer to relicensing glyphosate

13th November 2015

For those hoping for a cleaner EU food system, the new EFSA review, which effectively removes any barriers to the relicensing of glyphosate, makes grim, if somewhat predictable reading.

‘Climate-Smart Agriculture’ – the greenwash threat to the ecological farmers who feed the world

9th November 2015

Agroecology, practised by grassroots small scale food producers and small farmers, is in danger of being pushed off the climate change agenda by corporate interests.

We Feed the World – An inspiring story of sustainable farming

4th November 2015

Beyond GM launches a new campaign today. We Feed the World aims to tell a vitally important story of food, farming and sustainability.

Beyond GM joins call for a sustainable food policy in the EU

22nd September 2015

Beyond GM, the Humane Society International, Compassion in World Farming, Food for Life Global and the European Parliament’s Sustainable Food Systems Group have come together for a special event highlighting waste – and sustainability – in the food system

The puppetmasters of academia – what the New York Times left out

13th September 2015

When you read in the press that a scientist supports GMOs – can you trust that point of view? Recently revealed emails between biotech companies and senior academics suggests the answer is no.

Growing doubt: a scientist’s experience of GMOs

10th September 2015

A scientist speaks out about the flawed ways in which we assess the risks of GMOs and how this impacts not just human health but the very integrity of science

Opting out of GMOs in the EU – what does it take?

3rd September 2015

Which EU countries have ‘banned’ GMOs – and what is it going to take to keep Europe GM free? Here are some basics on the bans.

Is Roundup killing our bees?

5th August 2015

Evidence is growing of a link between the world’s most widely used herbicide – Roundup – and Colony Collapse Disorder in bees. Are humans next?

Take action to keep the UK GM free

13th July 2015

What can you do to help keep GMOs our of the UK? Our printable card give you some tips on how to support Beyond GM and groups like us in the fight for a fair, sustainable, and healthy food system. Print two copies and give one to a friend to help spread the word! Download the .pdf  … Read more

When it comes to GMOs we don’t trust BBC ‘experts’, public survey reveals

8th July 2015

In the wake of an astonishingly one-sided BBC Panorama programme, 1000 people took part in our survey on pro-GMO bias in the media; this comprehensive report details the results.